01Sussex 2017-David Heirlyhy-God speaking, My response
02Sussex 2017-John Meekin-God speaking the second time
03Sussex 2017-Murray McCandless-Heros or Helpers
04Sussex 2017-Phil Coulson-How did the Nation fall into Idoltary
05Sussex 2017-David Gilliland-Ruth called from Idoltary
06Sussex 2017-John Fleck-Pauls work in Troas
07Sussex 2017-Gospel-John Fleck-Seriousness of Sins
08Sussex 2017-Gospel-David Gilliland-Repentance
09Sussex 2017-David Gilland-Psa19, The circuit of the Son
10Sussex 2017-Scott MacLeod-If ye love Me
11Sussex 2017-John Procopio-Being an Ambassador for Christ
12Sussex 2017-John Fleck-Overview of the Kingdom
13Sussex 2017-David Gilliland-The Hallmarks of Henceforths