The Christians that meet at the Pope Road Gospel Hall extend a warm welcome to all to attend our Special Gospel Meetings.
Starting on March 3rd and continuing until March 27th.
- Sunday at 7:00pm
- Monday to Friday at 7:30pm
- No Gospel Service on Saturdays
If you are unable to attend in person, you would be welcome to listen either on Zoom or YouTube at the links below.
- Zoom Link:
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84982158840?pwd=OWV0N0cydWJsdWVMS2dQOHlCNlUwQT09
- Meeting ID: 849 8215 8840
- Passcode: 4316
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84982158840?pwd=OWV0N0cydWJsdWVMS2dQOHlCNlUwQT09
- YouTube Link (click the “live” video once the meeting has started):