Category Archives: Articles
Hold Fast – by Eugene Higgins
Sometime during the 1660s, Isaac Newton (later, “Sir” Isaac Newton) began to think seriously about gravity. No, the apple did not hit him on the head, but he did recount his watching an apple fall and thinking about the force that made it do so. Newton is credited … Continue reading
Where is God – by Eugene Higgins
As of Easter weekend this year, 184 nations had felt the power of this marauding virus that snatches breath, crushes lungs, and kills indiscriminately. Thousands have died and many thousands more are ill. We can pore over the statistics all … Continue reading
Shelter in Place – by Eugene Higgins
First it was merely suggested: “It might be wise for you to shelter in place. It will deny the virus fresh hosts to infect.” Then it was legally mandated: “You must shelter in place. There is no other way of flattening the curve.” Finally it was firmly implemented (and done … Continue reading
Of Masks and Men – by Eugene Higgins
Baby boomers, particularly in the US, grew up reading the Lone Ranger novels by Fran Striker. Later, when the stories were adapted for radio, the thrilling strains of the William Tell Overture announced another 20 minutes or so of character-building … Continue reading